BloodworksNW is Live on Several New BBCS Releases
November 12, 2015
SEATTLE, WA – November 13, 2015 – Blood Bank Computer Systems, Inc. (BBCS) today announced that Bloodworks Northwest (BloodworksNW), their client of 22 years, has successfully implemented several new BBCS application releases.
BloodworksNW is now live on BBCS Primary Application, Version 5.5, upgrading several releases from their previously implemented Version 5.3.7. Upgrading to the feature-rich release of BBCS Primary Application, Version 5.5, allows BloodworksNW to take advantage of the new features while getting one step closer to BBCS’s new suite of products being distributed in 2016, the ABO Suite™.
BloodworksNW also now has the ability to provide Remote Allocation through the BBCS BloodTrack Interface, Version 1.1.2. The BBCS BloodTrack Interface supports bi-directional communication between the BBCS Primary Application and the Hemosafe medical device, giving their remote client hospitals quicker access to life-saving products. This is a huge advantage for them to be able to offer this service to their client hospitals and community.
These new releases will support BloodworksNW through their expansion and arm them with the technology needed to continue being the Northwest’s leader in blood banking and saving countless lives. BBCS would like to congratulate the entire team at BloodworksNW for reaching this major milestone!
If you are a current client and would like information or assistance with implementing a release, please contact Implementation Services.