Blood Collection Centers

With our state-of-the-art Blood Establishment Computer System (BECS), you’ll have the solutions right at your fingertips to the challenges that hold you back from enabling the lifesaving care your community deserves.

Is your BECS doing enough for your blood collection center?

Your community is a changing, growing thing, and you need a biologics management solution that can adapt to its changing needs and yours without holding you back. An outdated or inadequate BECS for your needs can lead to inefficient and time-consuming blood collection, struggles to effectively manage inventory, and difficulty encouraging new and existing donors to donate to your blood center.

Your community’s needs and regulatory environment are changing. Change with them.

Every community blood donation center in the world has its own unique challenges.

Communities come in all shapes and sizes—and so should your ideal BECS. Our flagship cloud-based biologics management solution ForLife™ and team of biologics industry experts deliver cutting-edge customizable solutions that integrate without friction with your processes and workflows, technological infrastructure, specialized needs, and unique population demographics to meet your community’s needs.


40+ Years of BECS Innovation


Endlessly Customizable Solutions


Complete Product Support

What Blood Centers Need in a BECS


Streamlined Donation Processes

The right BECS removes administrative burdens from your blood center’s donation process. Automating and streamlining donor eligibility, health screening, and other admin work saves time and resources, improves your blood supply, and enhances the donor experience.


Support for Precise Testing

Cutting-edge technology and flexible BECS solutions support the timely and precise testing of blood products to enable your community blood collection center to provide blood that meets the highest and most rigorous quality control standards to hospitals without delay.


Advanced Inventory Tracking

Your BECS plays a central role in helping you manage the inventory of blood products at your blood donation center. A robust BECS provides real-time monitoring and features to optimize the allocation of blood so you can prevent waste while meeting the urgent demands of your local healthcare institutions.


Comprehensive Donor Management

Donors are your lifeblood—literally. To ensure a supply of available blood when patients need it, your BECS should provide the tools you need to efficiently track donor histories, preferences, and eligibility, reach out to new and existing donors, and engage your community to donate to your blood center.

See for yourself how you can build a BECS that does exactly what you need it to do.

Benefits and Unmatched Features

Fully Managed, Fully Supported Cloud Solutions

We provide you with an infinitely customizable canvas to craft a truly unique, cloud-based BECS that meets all of your blood collection center’s most specific needs – from initial design and onboarding to training and technical support for the life of your agreement.

When you have BBCS and ForLife™ on your side, you have a partner who is wholly dedicated to helping you advance your mission to provide better community care.

Complete Multilingual Support

Regional blood collection centers across the US and the world often struggle with biologics management systems that are designed to support only certain languages, which can be problematic if a prominent language in your local community is not fully integrated in your systems.

ForLife™ is designed from the ground up to be language-agnostic. With BBCS helping you build the right BECS for you, your system is guaranteed to speak your community’s language.

FDA Compliant BECS Systems

We leverage over four decades of experience working with healthcare establishments of all types in the shifting healthcare regulatory landscape to build biologics management solutions that can streamline your ability to maintain your blood donation center’s compliance with the relevant FDA regulations and other industry standards.

How to Get Started with BBCS

When your blood collection center uses ForLife™, you’ll never have to search for another partner again. Here’s where your search ends:



Delve into ForLife™ with a demo by BBCS’s support team and discover how we can customize it to meet the unique needs of your staff, donors, and patients.



Set up a service level agreement (SLA) that best suits your needs, budget, and in-house technical resources. You can scale your SLA up or down at any time.



Get full onboarding support and training as we implement your new custom BECS – from discovery and development to final launch and support.