RRVBC Goes Live on ABO Suite
July 12, 2017
AUBURN, WA – July 12th, 2017 – Blood Bank Computer Systems, Inc. (BBCS) today announces that Rock River Valley Blood Center (RRVBC) has just gone live on ABO Suite. RRVBC went live on ABO Express Limited 1.2.0, ABO Wheels 1.1.0 and ABO QuickPass 1.0.1. This will be the first time RRVBC will be completely integrated and the determination of donor eligibility will be made solely by one integrated system.
“We are very proud of the RRVBC and BBCS team who came together and made this implementation so successful. With each go-live, we listen to our clients feedback and continue to improve our tools, making the transition to ABO Suite as smooth as possible,” says Brian Forbis, Vice President of BBCS.
RRVBC has been a client of BBCS since 1993 and was previously on BBCS Primary Application, Version 5.3.8. BBCS now has a total of 4 clients live on ABO Suite, 4 new clients in the process of transitioning, and several more in implementation.
If you are a current client and would like more information or assistance with implementing ABO Suite, please contact Implementation Services.
About BBCS
For over 30 years, Blood Bank Computer Systems, Inc. (BBCS) has been a dedicated partner to the blood banking industry. BBCS has chosen to remain privately owned to ensure that we can focus on fulfilling our commitments to our clients, the communities that they serve, and the industry. By establishing an annual BBCS CEO Summit, hosting annual meetings with our User Group, and participating in industry conferences we have built rich partnerships with our clients, vendors, and industry organizations.
Today, RRVBC supplies the total blood needs for 8 area hospitals and must collect more than a 1000 units of blood each week to meet the needs. They rely on donors from six counties of the Rock River Valley, including Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Ogle, and Stephenson counties in Illinois and Rock County in Wisconsin. RRVBC employs approximately 100 people, including a Medical Director, healthcare, financial, community relations, and outsourced housekeeping professionals. RRVBC has four locations and up to three mobile blood drives each day. RRVBC is a not-for-profit organization, governed by an eleven member Board of Directors. They are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration; accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks; and a member of America’s Blood Centers.