Inventory – New Order – Stakeholder Meeting – 06/01/2022

Inventory – New Order – Stakeholder Meeting – 06/01/2022

Tagged: Confidential, Module-Inventory, NextGen This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by smchowdhury. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts June 10, 2022 at 8:02 am #3740 smchowdhuryKeymaster All images displayed in this discussion are for conceptual purposes only and may not represent the final product. […]

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  • #3740

      All images displayed in this discussion are for conceptual purposes only and may not represent the final product.

      New order creation. Comment entry will allow for tags. Products added in the lower right table populate the table above.
      New order entry screen. Left column displays a table for selecting order parameters, a table listing other active orders, and a table for comments. Right column displays products added to the order, and a table for adding more products.
      New order entry screen. Left column displays a table for selecting order parameters, a table listing other active orders, and a table for comments. Right column displays products added to the order, and a table for adding more products.
      Stakeholder Meeting Notes – 06/01/2022

      • Other Active Orders field will currently return a list of all active orders for the location that techs can scroll through – Consider adding a time restricted filter for this display.
      • Judy Murk – Consider the addition and display of customer-specific comments, such as a user preference for order packing (only purple boxes, etc.)
      • The Bill To value is set when configuring the customer location in the admin console.
      • Can pricing plans be created with a start date in the future – Yes.
      • For the Ordered Products table, ensure that procedure and testing text wraps for readability.
      • Where should the assignment of shipping charges occur? Order entry or packing?  This step varies between organizations.
      • Shannon Long – Requesting the ability to add comments for specific product lines in order entry.
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