All images displayed in this discussion are for conceptual purposes only and may not represent the final product.
Shipments will allow a tech to bundle orders into a single delivery by dragging unassigned orders as needed.

Stakeholder Meeting Notes – 06-01-2022
- Should the confirmation number allow entry of a URL (such as a link to a FedEx shipment)?
- Stakeholders requested a report that would allow them to review shipments with a multi-parameter search functionality (shipment date, assigned courier, etc.)
- Many users do not use legacy program 425 due to its complexity – Keep this in consideration for development of shipment processing.
- Consider methods for handling shipment requests that transfer in from Hospital Information System integrations.
- Releasing a shipment will include final checks being performed to ensure the viability of all products.
- How will release of a shipment be handled when blood center staff are unavailable?
- This should be driven operationally via SOP.
- Consider implementing a method for triggering electronic notification of a customer for an incoming shipment when it is released.