All images displayed in this discussion are for conceptual purposes only and may not represent the final product.
The Donor Card Review – Donation screen will allow for review of screening performed for a donation, along with general demographic information for the donor. The screen will include a method for viewing potential duplicate donors.

Stakeholder Meeting Notes – 07/01/2022
- Duplicate donor display acceptable, but the ability to merge or indicate the records are not a duplicate should not exist on this screen. Instead implement navigation to donor comparison
- Will multiple physical measurements display on the related section? – YES
- Implement a method for pushing cards to a follow-up queue, removing them from the initial review to be revisited for investigation of issues requiring follow-up, such as incorrect documentation or missing information.
- Consider configurable double blind review for organizations that desire it.
- Several methods used for current donor card review selection
- 100% review
- Review based on specific comments
- Irregular pulse
- Low pulse
- Temperature (to identify clerical errors)
- Underage